Sunday, August 31, 2008

EUPHORIA...sik lalek..

It was friday nite, 15th..Emy aka Sasuke, Carol (they are couple, open relationship kinda thingy), Mel and me went to meet Mel's sister, Joy and gang at Euphoria, Sunway Lagoon. DANG! Euphoria by the Ministry Of Sound..friday nite wat.. So before i 'selami' myself in gigs and performances plus practices for the next few days, i tried to loosen up that nite till 3 sth..needed a break from work bla bla bla...*wait for my performances post cos video belum uploaded...lambatnye..2 weeks d now..*

we 4 got in with only 1 ticket since Joy spared it for Mel only? hahaha heck!..for us 3 to roll along, i gotta swipe like 420 for chivas as entry fee? the end i was 'hanging' till we get kick la..somemore ppl curi half bottle away..damn! This is the dance floor looks midnite. Can't tahan the vibrating as if got speakers integrated beneath..

mei nu...leng lui...bla bla..i forgot their names..the red one wanted to dance with me twice but but.. *swt*

sasuke rasa best...hahaha he's like a bro with diff. parents to me..but a real crazy one..haha we shuffle that nite...woohoo..

so, i present to u, the LADIES... & Mel is tipsy-fied d...Joy so tall..!

the night seems irresistible when u get them on the dance floor..*packed la usually Fri nite*

that's our table...2nd floor...downstair is da DJs territory and ours!!

funny toilet door...anyways it's cool..some couple did sth sth..!

also this one....figure out which is which...gents and ladies room.

ahahaha...tipsy! so =P *u owe me the nite...sth..* >.<

flamboghini they called it..ON FIRE 1 metre high..*burn another 116

wat do i gotta say for this 2am sth pic..? all sweat up and comment la.. =)

we rasa hotties..sasuke's so mad he shook the bed that early morning...crazy guy =P

that is mine lo...yamaha electric acoustic guitar...i prefer acoustic from the heart u sing it out with ur companion~your guitar...Am practicing on the song EMPTY acoustic version currently..

i belum men-DBSK-kan my hair with wax and that's my ala jonas bro skinny jeans..BLACK! All set for the gig nite!

*more KL gigs posts and wat we did in the studio...gila.. Ok, bye!

~~it's not overrr~~

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Tagged by Sharon jie jie...wahaha

:: Just got back from KL gigs and performances, so tired lo and spend a lot *for guitar strings and cables and shop for this that this that*.. But the Best thing was EUPHORIA! and and...if u guys weren't busy on 24th, sunday nite, there's this LIVE thingy on mtv channel 713.. Hope got repeat lo, so u can see this Kch guy making the hell out of the stage and rock the KL bombshells....or go my YouTube is easier.. ::

The ones who got meme-ed must complete the survey, then take out a question that you dislike most and add another question, so it remains as 20 questions.Tag 5 other people, and list out their names.And you need to leave a message at their blogs telling them they got meme-ed!The meme-ed must answer the questions, the ones who completed the game will get blessing from everyone.These 5 people have to say where they received the meme, and tag 5 other people, and pass it around without returning. The ones who got tagged will get everyone’s blessing, and all wonderful dreams will come true in near future….

1. What are your goals/dreams?
:: A well-known instrumentalist and give the best out of my vocal to be another malaysian rising icon.

2. The most happiest thing in your life?
:: Happened on the eve of CNY this year. When she looked into my eyes and said 'I wished the time would just stop for us'.

3. Favourite colour?
:: Black *emo band ppl* and and superman blue!

4. What do you like to change of yourself?
:: Physically, nothing. I just wished i have the guts to call her up again and send her some gifts i bought. Wanna have more guts in life!

5. Where do you wish to go the most? Why?
:: Seoul. Meet Super Junior and TVXQ with her.

6. What is your weakness that you can’t stand the most?
:: Got dumped..? 5 or 6 months of sorrow but...i produced good songs..haiss for what..

7. What will you do if you face something sad?
:: Smile and stay tough..if i could stand it..

8. Most afraid to lose..?
:: my lappy, my k850i, my 3200, my 3315! hahaha my ipods & my love ones - family, friends, best friends, and her.

9. What is the practical target within this 5 years?
:: Get a degree, and get myself into the limelight industries =D

10. Ask yourself, do you like yourself?
:: Ya but i would always upgrade myself and change to be a better

11. Favorite song?
:: Bleeding Love by Jesse McCartney & If I Ain't Got You by Kevin Michael

12.What weird things that you wish to happen?
:: to strike 6/52 and travel the world and!

13.What age do you wish to live until?
:: till old...and die one day before she does so i won't be living a day without her.. *lame me*

14. You Hate which type of people the most?
:: orang macam kacang lupakan kulit....fakers and opportunists..

15.Are you satisfied with your life?
:: Yeah. It could be

16. What do you wish to do the most now?
:: Have lunch with her and hold her hands...

17. What do you think will make you think that the human nature is dark?
:: Negativity..The way they look or blink at you. And the way they converse..their negative actions..

18. What’s your bed time?
:: late...very late lately. Dawn...

19.If God will give you one thing and take away another, what do you think it will be?
:: Give me hope and faith cause that's what i need now..take away my bad habits.

20. What car do you wish to drive?
:: Buggati Veyron 16.4...*on my TopGear Magazine coverpage for Aug.. hahaha..i want!

The five people I wish to know more about:
:: Fuzzy, Aricka, Annabelle, Eunice (if she minds to update..on this b4 spm...haha) and Fahri!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008


You were the one,
You are the one,
You'll always be the one,
You'll always be in my heart and in my mind,
I wished you'd know that,
I wished you could feel my heart,
I wished you would remember me,
I wished that now, we are on the beach, tickle and playing around,
I shouldn't have let you go,
I shouldn't have given up,
I shouldn't stop contacting you,
I just shouldn't...

Everything that i do and thought of, are only bout you..
Every single thing means you to me..
Because eventhough it has been half a year,
My love for you have never changed even a bit.
I really wished you are here by my side tonight..
I really hope you'd be there at my very first live performance.
I really wished the person i'm going to sing my heart out is you,
Standing right in front the stage, just you i'm concentrating at..
Doesn't matter how many months, a year, or even decades,
I will always be that guy you once loved dearly..
Because you're everything in this world to me & it's worth the wait.

When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me,
Everything's alright..

How long will I be waiting,
To be with you again
Gonna tell you that I love you,
In the best way that I can.
I can't take a day without you here,
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.


Monday, August 11, 2008

life and obstacles of risingstars

short update: *pretty busy with practices*

Am updating this on one purpose...before kL trip of cos, apart from following my uncle on biz trip..Goin to kL for: 2 days rehearsal and meet ups with frens @ band reunion. 3 days more for performances at Zouk or watever it is called nearby there..and in front EMI ppl, imagine an ordinary kch guy gonna make it at impressing the producers?? *and darn, my sorethroat hurts, my eyes are like burning and my unshaved* luckily 2nd vocalist only this time..and so, another 2 days maybe shopping or surfing on the artificial sunway lagoon beach? *so gonna fake it like as if im a surfer? !@#$% and girls in bikinis? Nah, i only need one and only her..I wish she would come along with me..but apart from her new sem, she.....hmmm i'd *sob sob* if i think bout it....

So to cut it short..Jazz called me up saying, "bro, the ones u wrote would definitely make the EMI ppl cry.." Ya la kan, all those i composed are about her and i managed to kept them (all 9 lyrics/songs) secret *copyrighted and patented* that only few close frens know..Plus im gonna take this song to the stage, Told You So by Jesse acoustic version la kan.. So so wish she could be there..That everything i made is specially dedicated to her and all that i did is for her...I'd sing in front of her with all my heart..

*we're ready to make an album i guess, just don't get jealous la k ppl?hehehe jk jk..hmmm so pressured and so lonely...too busy, i forgot to reload my phones.. =.=" *swt*

"replacing you would be easy, but i couldn't do so..i don't know why...the love you gave me is what that made me stay just for you..You are the world to me, the day i became your man, when you left me 5 months ago, today, and even years to come..That's the reason i love you and these 3 words are not jokes or foul feelings. It'll be always me here thinking of you and loving you from afar though i know you have a change in heart..You do know how far i'd stretch my limits just to get back to you..those time spent and finally, we gave ourselves a whole new experience...pure love.. My love for you, if you ask the bright stars up above, they'd shine as bright as they could and it'd not fade but to last for ever. That's how strong my love is for you.."

Songs covered by us:

Just So You Know - Jesse McCartney
Bleeding Love - Jesse McCartney
Because You Live - Jesse McCartney

*guess what?? these 3 songs, i'll be covering it, my version..Plus that 'Told You So' song*

and the other 6 0r 7 songs we composed...together! *i don't wanna get all the credits and applause* ^^ Let us ROCK the nites and seal a deal! *jadi sik i blajar mass comm next year*

Jesse McCartney songs are good because he has good producers and lyricists. And he sings them with all his heart plus he doesn't whine...HE WRITES GOOD SONGS.

*i wasn't there during your party cause i know he'll be there and i don't wanna create a havoc. Horsey will play that tune we loved, for you..on behalf of me..I so wanna sing Stay Here Tonight by Enrique for you...

~~till then, i'll post more after i returned, frens/readers~~
*Google/YouTube for these songs above.
Jazz is gonna carry these : I Miss U Like Crazy & If Life Is So Short (the Moffatts) *and they're for his portuguese chinese gf...aww so sweet..she'll be there during those 3 nites..

P/S: I LOVE YOU...and Azy, you looked very pretty as always, at your b'day party.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

turned to the dark side..

it was beautiful...anakin skywalker & padme amidala..
...he turned to the dark side...the Sith order to 'revive' her..

*if u watched the movie, u could see his evil eyes..he turned to the dark side & it is sad..
The synopsis tells the truth... 'Star Wars : Revenge Of The Sith'


the truth u think of me when he kisses you? i still in your heart?
..i'd go anywhere for you, just to look into your bright pretty eyes
..and tell you that my love means you
..though all the while i acted as if everything's over
..but if u search deeply inside, then answer is..i still love you never changed even if i tried my best to fake it, that i'm alright
..cause you are the one i'd love always
..this speared heart can never be healed
..i do and always will wait for you here was you and it will only be you, the one i gave my heart to


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to dear Azy.

I am writing this post to a special girl..
Someone whom i gave so much of myself to..
I still do, if she'd know it. Anyway, here's something for you.
.................HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY AZY..................

I bought this for you and i kept it for months, just to find the right day to give it to you..
(i'll place it at your doorstep after work later. U told me you loved this S500i before..)
May you have a great birthday today and enjoyed the day.. =)

Happy Birthday by The Click Five.

our favorite, u got it for me on my bday..& here i have it for u now.
Chocolate chip with whipped cream and chocolate syrup.

Love always, Andre.


Monday, August 4, 2008


..they would roll down whenever i browse thru your photos and watch your video..these teardrops.

it has been nearly 6 months..& tomoro is your birthday, 5th Aug, turning 19. I just kept thinking of u..i can't deny this feeling that i still have for u.. I miss u.. 

*i would be thinking of u and us whenever i see someone wearing a scarf..i just wish i could turn back time so badly..i'm really really sorry..

Love, andre..
